From disability to superpower

Dear Ones,

I’ve taken to choosing three texts (books, articles, recipes, even Tarot) and reading from each then letting them talk amongst themselves inside me as I walk or work. 

Which to choose? They tell me. I’m just the listener. The more open my inquiry, the more remarkable the combination. 

I’ve been hard on myself all my life for not being more linear, straight to the point, checking the box. I often wake already feeling behind, knowing the doing won’t get done. 

Recently, in deep conversation with my mom who has taught Myers Briggs Type Indicator for decades, I am learning to understand my ways more closely, I am determined to find my superpowers. INFP here. Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceptive.

Often I am in the middle of many books, courses, articles. This has felt like failure. But it has also felt like home. I worked with mom and MBTI for insights - how to find what I am truly equipped for in this lifetime? 

I can handle multiples. 

I love the composite. Complexity. Chaos. 

I've given myself full permission, rather than trying to reign it in, what if I let it loose?  Mornings recently I read from three sources and then my natural ability of letting them integrate moves them from three to One. Every morning so far has been a little miracle. 

I am kinder with myself from this perspective; the morning feels fertile and messy and alive. It feels true to me, and that feels on target.

I will post occasional findings from my three-book mornings on my substack. Read there if you like.

Thank you, mama. 
Thank you, body. 
Thank you, Martha. 

What are you trying to fix that might hold your miracle?
Let it be a consideration, a door. 
I believe in who we are before we tried to be someone else.

All love, 


Lessons from 10 years of homeschooling


Learning to “see no stranger”