An Online Library
Always welcome. Never behind. Make it yours.
Library of Digital Classes
I teach 40 day sequences which are grouped into playlists and available on my YouTube channel.
If I refer to a soundtrack, you will find it by title on my Spotify.
Everything you need is there. All you do is set aside time and show up.
I’ll meet you on the mat. Sat Nam xx
Classes are donation-based with the donation suggestion of $160 for the full 40 days or $20 per class .
Track you 40 days with a printable calendar
“Martha sweet magical Martha, I am so deeply grateful for your YouTube videos. I’m on Day 8 of Anahata 🥰 I have never found a space that so fully feeds my spirit and body separate from competitive athleticism. It is deeply good for me. I am grateful beyond words my magical friend. Thank You ♥️♥️♥️”
Online Classes. Take your pick.
Daily online yoga classes that follow the same sequence for 40 days in a row. Traditionally, 40 days is how long it takes to dismantle old patterns and establish new frequencies. Our consistency is the container so that you can be what changes rather than our class sequence or setup. You become more familiar with your practice and your responses so that choice replaces habit. A choice at a time; this is your power. This is transformation.
At the end of 40 days we start a new sequence. We master how to begin, build stamina, conclude and release - all with grace. All levels are included & invited. Beginners & advanced; we all have places of ease & effort. Join in!
Kriya for the Master Breath
Master Breath is the use of breath of fire in 5 different postures to build self-mastery over time.
Kriya for Elevated Expression
We have a greater depth to our thinking, and we express ourselves more fully to the outer and to our inner worlds.
Kriya for Prosperity
This kriya expands our personal prosperity. To be rich in wellbeing, freedom, health, friendship, justice, and love is our greatest wealth.
Kriya to Embody Wellbeing
Steady, accessible movement that leaves a wake of positivity through your day.
Vinaysa flows (60-90mins)
12 vinyasa practice to move, rest and grow
Balancing the Vayus
Simple and steady to build harmony and balance through the 5 'winds' or vayus of the body.
Student Testimonials
Journey through the Charkas
A series of 7 practices to methodically move you from the root to the crown.
Each is designed to be 40 days in a row, but you are free to make it what best suits your needs right now. Explore + enjoy!
1. Muladhara
The root chakra practice / anchor, boundaries, safety,
Activate and clear the root energy and its role as our foundation.
2. Svadhistana
sacral chakra / fluidity, emotions, creativity
Build strength and stamina to stay in what is difficult and see what is truly occurring, we can access the wisdom of our emotions and reestablish a new home frequency; a new sense of fully feeling self.
3. Manipura
the navel center/ power, determination, confidence
Shift habits to choices, and choices to action. I am here ACT; to take action, to make action, to be acted upon. Hone your ACTION. Tend your FIRE.
4. Anahata
the heart / acceptance, compassion, sincerity
Release the potent aspect of ourselves that is not acting out of pain or history, but the light within that is free and tall and steadfastly expansive.
5. Vishudha
the throat / communication creativity, inspiration
Shuddhi: pure/purification | Vi: an intensifier. Clarify your thoughts to clarify your words because your words bring your thoughts into form.
6. Ajna
the third eye / our perception, our knowing
Refine your perception, land in the sensation of your own light and see that you are not limited by the past, but expanding and evolving with grace and deliberation.
7. Saharara
the crown / beliefs, clarity, future
Consider your beliefs. Refine them. Clarify your thoughts - they are your future reality.
Student Testimonials