Teacher Training: The Genius of Yoga.

10 months to enrich your practice and your teaching.

  • 1/ Modern History.

    The landscape of yogic history moves through the Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras. This perspective helps us understand the fundamental questions: What are we seeking? Why do we why practice? We will move through the hinge of the hips and the axis of the spine.

    Sep. 12 - 14, 2025

  • 2/ Being present.

    Considering beginnings. Ayurveda asks “What is present? What is required?” What are the most basic aspects of practice that set a foundation to hold everything else? Standing poses. Energies of grounding, integrating, rising.

    October 3-5, 2025

  • 3/ Awakening Connection.

    Yoga is the (re)connection to Source and Self. It is a journey back and forth, we join and separate. We learn the transitions between postures, sun salutations as an engine, considerations of pacing/timing.

    October 24-26, 2025

  • 4/ Opening to Vulnerability.

    Backbends, willingness to feel.

    November 14-16, 2025

  • 5/ Allowing Receptivity.

    Twists, digestion, revolution.

    December 5-7, 2025

  • 6/ Facing the Unknown.

    Inversions, the Unknown / the Beyond.

    January 9-11, 2025

  • 7/ Listening Inward.

    Slowing down, coming to rest, restoratives.

    January 30-February 1, 2026

  • 8/ Changing Orientation.

    Headstand / shoulderstand, inversions, orientation, assumption, bias.

    February 27 - March 1, 2026

  • 9/ Moving Towards Balance.

    Putting it together, integration, Oneness, concluding.

    March 20-22, 2026

  • 10/ The Subtle Body.

    Energetics / prana, subtle body, nadis, chakra system, introduction to kriya.

    April 10-12, 2026

  • 11/ Making It Your Own.

    Home practice, resistance, persistence, devotion.

    May 1-3, 2026

Get the details.

  • For students invested in the quality of their practice and their lives. After this training you will know how to design your own practice at home or how to benefit from any taught class

    For students looking to become teachers in group settings. Provides 200hr teaching certification. Ideally you already have a 200 hour training as a foundation.

    For teachers looking to deepen or refresh the content that they love. This is another dimension, another layer, a refinement. This is the training I wish I had had along the way. Bring what you know and be ready to evolve.

  • Cost

    $500 non-refundable deposit

    plus  $3700 for 10 months

    or plus $1400 every 3 months

    or $500/month drop-in individual weekends

    Some scholarships are available. Contact marthamcalpine@yahoo.com to set up time for a conversation as needed.

  • Friday

    6-9 group practice, introduction to the topic of the week, small groups, nidra to complete


    9am - 12, philosophy / anatomy 1

    12 - 1pm lunch

    1 - 4pm postures and anatomy 2

    4 - 5pm snack / rest / game

    5 - 8pm integration / partner work / cuing + language / teach each other


    12 - 2pm lecture and public private of postures - ‘seeing’ each other

    2 - 3pm breath + meditation

    3 - 5pm snack + lecture / Q+A, recap, + designing personal practice until next session

  • Required Texts

    • Moving Towards Balance, Rodney Yee

    • The Inspired Yoga Teacher, Gabrielle Harris

    • The Genius of Yoga, Alan Finger

    • One Simple Thing, Eddie Stern

    • Sanctuary app of Rod Stryker

    • Plum Village app

    We will not have a manual. We will use the resources I often turn to to design a class. These books will serve you to create sequences for yourself or for groups for years to come. Additional readings will be brought per weekend.

  • For those who choose to register for all 10 months, particularly with the aspiration of becoming or refining themselves as teachers, there will be an ongoing aspect of apprenticeship.

    Each weekend one participant will be co-teaching with me. You will help to design the material, select readings and resources, determine the related anatomical aspects, and run parts of the weekend yourself.

    Apprentices will have 3 private sessions with Martha, one at the start, one at the middle, and one towards the end. These will serve to name personal goals or concerns and to celebrate discoveries and growth.

    Those who are not apprentices through the program can make arrangements with Martha separately if they want to include a 1:1 in relation to the content of any given weekend.

We will move at our pace. We will not leave oversaturated, drained, or exhausted.

We will live into our understanding and application of yoga. We will live into the wisdom of ourselves as modern teachers.

Any further questions are welcome. You can email marthamcalpine@yahoo.com

or call Tribe Baltimore 443-835-1270 for more details.