I have an invitation for you.

Have you ever wondered why, as a competent adult making your good way through your good life, you can feel unsuccessful, unworthy, or stuck?

You aren’t alone. And if you can see it you can shift it. We’ve been raise by many systems and stories that convey to us a sense of shortcoming. Not enough time, not high enough grades, not enough nutrition, it goes on.

Ownership is a course designed for you to 1/ understand the origins of these limiting stories and 2/ provide practices to step out of them into your own power.

The format will be that first I will lead a lecture to introduce new perspectives and possibilities for your health, mindset, and even food. I integrate modern and ancient history, science, and philosophy for a wholistic perspective to show us how we got here and where can we go. 

Secondly we will get into our bodies, we move. Physical practices can bring us into direct contact with intellectual lessons and enable us to feel for ourselves the shifts afoot as we consider new paradigms. We will learn to regulate our nervous systems and expand our range of resonance so that we increase our capacity for more joy, more light, and more power.

Thirdly, after practice we integrate our learning and our practice through discussion and writing. 

We LEARN. We MOVE.  We INTEGRATE. Six times over six days.

We learn to see and name the old cultural patterns embedded in our bodies and our responses. We learn to expand our capacity for choice, strength, and tools to navigate grief and loss. Ultimately, we learn that our experience of expansion is a deep service to everyone else. We are evolving collectively and this is the part we can play.

We learn to set our STATE - our state of mind, our energy, ourselves.

You are wanted at your fullest capacity for light and love.

Start something remarkable. Take ownership. 

All love, 

Martha McAlpine, Ed.M, RYT 1000, TRIBE’s Modern Elder

Martha is a Princeton and Harvard trained scholar with a graduate degree in experiential curriculum design. She is a certified coach, committed cook, and homeschool mama, everything she does rests on over 25 years of yoga practice and study. She remains as curious as she is wise. 

“Martha’s work has had an impact in my life I couldn’t have predicted. It has touched everything, my writing, my family, my time. Try her. Listen. It’s worth it.” - LB 

This is the training to shift.

      towards meaning.

  towards purpose.

  towards possibility.

OWNERSHIP is a 3 module course that provides the tools and practices to shift from constrained, habitual beliefs towards empowered choices.

Taking ownership is about learning that there is another way to see where we are and how we got here. We each possess power t

es us towards the lives we find significant.

We set our STATE,

to write our STORY,

to choose our STRATEGY.

Those are the three modules in Ownership.




Who is it for?

Leaders who are ready. Individuals, Groups, Businesses who are looking for integration - something that puts it all together.

Why Ownership

I’ve researched these questions of how we take ownership in our lives, how we create active, engaged citizens of any setting, for the past 25 years. I have facilitated corporate workshops, advanced teacher trainings, individuals and groups towards new levels of insight and understanding.

My desire is to help you shift where you are limiting yourself by explaining how it may have served you in the past, but now, in this modern world that seems to change by the hour, we need to redesign what serves us, choice by choice. There is science for this. There is movement for this. There are states of mind and body that will serve you right now.

I am so happy you are here, considering how you can Take Ownership.