Longevity as Leadership
@Harvard Business School December 11, 7-9pm
with Martha McAlpine, Ed.M HGSE
Newly informed mindset regarding longevity, seasons, and creative cycles
The power and potential of leader as longevist
New understanding of women’s bodies, of their health, of the role of death
New strategies / tools tailored to you and your life aspirations
New stories around your second prime
I will speak for an hour or so, offering some new paradigms, connecting some important dots, fielding questions that arise. In this shared time, I look to redefine the sources and cycles of our wellbeing. We will consider mindset, energy, the nervous system, and trees.
Then we will put the thoughts into action and move for 30 minutes or so. The movement requires no mats or gear. Our own body weight and willingness is all we need.
This does not require yoga pants. But you may if you like.
Wear what feels mobile and appealing, something you enjoy. I will wear a flared skirt.
Or, wear what you have worn all day. Can you raise your hands overhead? Perfect.
When we don’t need gear or special clothes, we remove a barrier to entry, we remove resistance: “Oh, I’d love to do that, but I don’t have my Reebok step/ mini rebounder / sports bra / weight vest….”
If you’d love to do it, let’s make sure you can do it, no matter what.
In the last 30 minutes we will rewrite our aging / longevity stories. We carry old information forward unless we actively articulate where we are right now. If we clarify right now, what’s next will appear more easily.
We may have lived beyond the years our parents lived. We may be in a radically different lifestyle from our family of origin. In many cases internally, emotionally, or at a level of our hormones, we tend to perpetuate what we saw and what we knew.
This defines what we may expect - unless we say otherwise. Let’s live, now.
Lead the way.
You will go home with new ideas on longevity to share and explore.
You know a deeper trust in how your body works and how to work with it.
You will go home with a new set of resources to lean into if you would like to learn more.
You will live wisely and fully and this will influence all who know you in ways you cannot imagine.
Any questions or concerns, feel free to email me. marthamcalpine@yahoo.com
Further resources:
The Matter of Menopause hosted by Elena Brower
Dr. Sara Gottfried 5-week Beautiful Hormones course on Commune
do Less by Kate Northrup - for her seasonal cycles in nature and women model
A new perspective on death from triple board-certified physician Zach Bush
Guidance on having skillful, essential end of life conversations from Choose Nurture
A podcast from Ezra Klein and Marianne Wolf on the importance of reading for brain health
Living Libations breast oil and rose face oil and hydrating cream series - perfect gifts for women in your life
Berkey water filtration system
Grounding mat and 11 minute documentary on electrons and inflammation
Deep Work from Cal Newport is a useful reconsideration of scheduling (but Solar-based, ie. seeking constant productivity)
More about Martha.
1/ To anchor, fortify, or substantiate
Seated or standing, clasp hands in front of you. INHALE, raise clasp overhead EXHALE bring clasp down, keeping arms straight if possible. Steady pace.
1-3 minutes
2/ To amplify, engage, or expand
Seated or standing, arms wide, bend the elbows lightly, palms face forward. INHALE, arms wide. EXHALE hands almost to clap. Open and close, like great wings. Steady pace,
1-3 minutes
3/ To inspire, uplift, or clarify
Seated or standing, arms wide palms facing up. INHALE, sweep hands overhead. EXHALE sweep back down, arms remain wide, palms up, keeping arms straight if possible. Bend elbows if needed to protect the shoulders.
1-3 minutes
I’d love to hear from you!
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… If you have further questions or you would like more detail or resources regarding an idea I referenced. I’ll answer!
… If you have other people you think would be interested in this talk on longevity as leadership, share their contact info with me and please feel free to send them the link to this webpage. Let’s spread the word!
… If you are willing to tell me how my teaching landed for you in terms of the format, the delivery, the content, and the overall usefulness of what we covered.