Letter from Love: It’s still you
Dear Ones,
A writing prompt from Liz Gilbert is to sit each day and ask, “Dear Love, what would you have me know today?” and let Love answer.
As I do the work of inquiry and stillness and growth, I find an edge that won’t shift. So I asked Love. And the reply was a surprise and a gift and if any of you are growing and edging and yet limiting at the same time, may this be of use/service.
Dear Love, what would you have me know today?
You are vast, little flame. There is more to you than you know. As you grow, the agitation you feel is you coming up against the ‘size’ and territory you’ve known. At one point it was plenty to explore, plenty to be. Now you’ve grown and the ability makes new pace possible. Like a child sleeping in a bed that once felt perfect and safe, now the bed is cramped and the outlook after sleeping there is cranky and ill-shaped. Stand tall. Don’t fold yourself back into the space you’ve known. No need to expend precious energy to be less than you are.
Here, see the walls fall flat and the horizons are now new and distant. Still, still my disbelieving wunderkind, still this is you. This is your landscape. Now you are ready for more of yourself.
Imagine my simplest of stones, imagine how it will feel to outgrow this new capacity, because you will. For now, unfold, charge through the hills, get lost, run out of gas. It is big, bigger than the equipment you currently have. You’ll require more ink, march through tougher boots. A new sweater is called for with stripes of yellow and red from shoulder to hip. A hat. Equip yourself for new territory. Enjoy.
And know,
1/ It is still you. All of it.
2/ There is more beyond it. Again this will happen. And again. You will outgrow what you know of yourself and again there will be more.
3/ Some things will change. Be that change. Holding back to fit the old won’t serve the new.
4/ I am with you in you as you and I love this size and this expansion.
Thank you for your courage. In courage, go forth. Encouraged, go forth. You can’t fall out of you. You can’t run out of you. More of you in the directions that are truly yours will still be you. I am here through and through all of it.
All, Love.