The artistry of daily practice.
I’m always teaching. Come and practice with me!
Seasonal 40 Days
live & recorded classes practiced with the seasonal changes of the year
Studio Classes
in-person classes taught at Tribe Studio
group retreats and special gatheriings
1:1 Personals
a deeper dive into individual practice
“The yoga you teach is just what I have been needing. I've felt alternately sick or stuck and the chance to be guided to move my thoughts and my body gently and completely each morning has been a gift.” - SS

Welcome. I’m Martha.
For over 25 years I have explored the world as an academic, a movement and mindfulness teacher, a philosopher, a homeschool mama, a corporate trainer, and information architect. At the intersection of these disciplines is a potent space that informs our future.
I believe that we each have a Self, an inner source of intelligence and guidance that can get obscured by busy-ness and habit. I believe that together, when we make choices that are intentional and consistent and meaningful, we create something powerful.
We have been measured and graded and set into hierarchies. External expectations have created doubt in our selves. Now is a chance for acceptance and permission to come from inside so that we can grow to the capacity that we are made for.
I want to help reveal what you are here do. I want to give you the experience to see it and feel it for yourself, and the tools to build on from there.
I am here to help people create meaningful modern lives, one choice at a time. Ready?
“I want to be famous in the way a pulley is famous, or a buttonhole, not because it did anything spectacular, but because it never forgot what it could do.”
- Naomi Shihab Nye
Martha’s flagship offering, Ownership is a learning. You may think it feels or sounds like a training, but a training is linear from she-who-knows to she-who-doesn’t. A learning is up to you: What you keep, what feels right, useful, curious, or sound is what you keep. In this way you become your authority; you build awareness, you clarify your choices.
Corporate. Groups. Individuals.
“I leave my time with Martha virtually ten times clearer and more capable of facing life's challenges. My life is changed for attending her teachings. Thank you, Martha.”
— Student Testimonial